Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Rummler 17d - Pleasantly Reminiscent of Moistness

Thanks to John Murray for the name idea. I think this was actually inspired by an MC. Escher work where you're looking at a rutted dirt road, there's a puddle with reflections of the trees above, leaves upon the ground. Very nice. Mine's got color in it. His is more realistic - he could actually draw, which I actually can't do very well.

Rummler 7

I'm thinking about calling this one Kandinsky's Chickens.

This is one of my favorites. I'm pretty sure I wasn't thinking of anything underwater when I was making it, but it does have that look to it.

I must have gone swimming or something in a previous lifetime.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Rummler 16 Grotto in Green and Blue

The Grotto; Spaces of thinness between realities; places womb-like where the energy emerging from the source of creation is nearby; places to meditate and/or dance protected from Bears, Tigers, Wolves, and other terrorist types; places to transform self and world. I really like grottos. I want to live in a nice grotto with an ocean view.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Rummler 106

Ladies in a Grotto with Black Cat.

It's going to be fun putting color onto this one. Most of the color work displayed here was done either with Faber-Castel brush markers, which are awesome, or colored watercolor pencils, and ink. Those images have been scanned, and in some cases, I've done some retouching. Eventually, they'll all be re-touched so the funny edges, etc. are not so funny. ha ha ha ha ha.

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Rummler 10

Very nice tshirts and prints can be purchased by clicking this here link.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Rummler 18 - Snow Don Plowing

Snow Don Plowing.

Rummler 22 Apollo's Piper

Rummler 2

Rummler 21

I don't know what made me think of it at the time, but I really like the golden halo looking thingies around the snake looking thingies.

Rummler 17c - unintentional reapersesqueness

When I look at this, I can't help but see a reaper lookin' dude in there. I didn't meant to put him there, but there he is. I don't think he's grim though.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Rummler 19 - Buddha's Other Shore

Rumor has it that some folks call this painting "Buddha's Other Shore." But you know what They say about rumors (and the rumor is, we all know who 'They' are.)

Rummler 3 The Road To Gordon Blowbon's Fig Tree Forest

I love figs

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Rummler 24 - Sitting in the back of dad's VW when I was 2

Looking out the window at the wipers pushing the water across the windshield the same way every time, and remembering past lives, while lying on the backseat of my dad's '66 VW bug.

Rummler 23 - Liz's Messy Room

She wouldn't let me into her room. I think it was messy. But I'll never know for sure.